Tuckaleechee Caverns - Smoky Mountains Brochures

Tuckaleechee Caverns

825 Cavern Rd

Townsend, TN, 37882

(865) 448-2274

Tuckaleechee Caverns Photos:

Tuckaleechee Caverns Coupon:

Tuckaleechee Caverns logo $1.00 OFF
$1.00 OFF admission per person

Not valid with other promotions. Some restrictions may apply. Open March 1 through November 30th. 9:00AM - 6:00PM
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Tuckaleechee Caverns

No trip is complete until you’ve seen Tuckaleechee Caverns. Come see the formations, Great Room, and waterfalls.

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Tuckaleechee Caverns “One of Townsend’s Hidden Treasures”

In Townsend Tennessee there are many things to see in the mountains. Tuckaleechee is located underground. Located beneath a small alpine cove named Dry Valley.

The caverns were used in large part by the Cherokee Indians. While first used by Natives, Tuckaleechee Caverns were discovered around the 1850 by the white man. Sawmill workers watched water from a heavy rain pour into a sink hole in the area. The sink hole was filled with and covered by debris. One of the sawmill workers found an opening in the rock. After the discovery he made his way to what is now the entrance.

With 58 degree year round temperatures, locals took their small chores to the opening in the hot summers. Taking advantage of the cooling breezes from the mammoth cave system. Now the gift shop and visitor center use the same breezes to stay cool.

Open March 15 – November 15 : 10 am – 8 pm